Welcome to Valley Side South Africa

Our Mission

At Valley Side our team is dedicated to highest quality SA fresh and frozen wild caught fish exports harvested from our South African waters off the coast of Cape Town and in Major Fishing Area 47 of the South East Atlantic Ocean.

We are driven by after-sales customer care that provides our customers with all their specific requirements to create effective export destinations for our fresh and frozen SA fish exports.

We understand and live by the value that our successful supply chain is dependent on constant contact with our destination customers around all the detail that makes up efficient logistics, competitive pricing and highest quality offerings that are fit for purpose for each customer’s fresh and frozen food service and retail businesses.

We also live by the knowledge that the strength of our supply chain is anchored in our solid partnership with our origin fresh and frozen fish manufacturers to create optimal export offerings that balance our customer export requirements with our manufacturer production resources.

The Valley Side Product Offering

Please see our Products Section for product descriptors and photos from our SA partner manufacturer pack-houses, deep sea trawler vessels and fresh fish beach landings.

We invite you to be in contact with our management team to look at the details of our SA wild caught fresh and frozen fish offerings and how we can tailor your fresh or frozen exports from our Cape Town Head Office to meet your fit for purpose requirements.